3. 11. 2014

Act One, Scene One: Macbeth

James McAvoy was announced as Macbeth in Jamie Lloyd's Macbeth in October 2012 for the first season of Trafalgar Transformed.We didn't hesitate a minute as James had been one of our favourite actors for ages and started planning immediately. 
A quite interesting thing is that we got the tickets rather late - we bought them like one month before we went to see the play, which was in March, and there were still many seats available. This doesn't occur very often nowadays anymore.

We went to see it on the 6th of March, matinee performance. The view from our seats was wonderful - we were seated in the second row, so we could enjoy every bloody (yes, indeed, bloody) detail of Jamie's brilliant play. Please do not ask me to give you a full review of the play as I am not capable of describing plays with anything else than tears of joy/sadness/feelings in general. The only few things I'm going to write is that it was really, really good, the setting was a truly impressive idea (year 2063 post-war Scotland) and all the actors, not just James, were really talented. I have to mention a few of them: Claire Foy who played Lady Macbeth, Forbes Masson as Banquo, you might have seen him in Richard III, Jamie Ballard as Macduff and the sweet Kevin Guthrie as Lennox, I really hope to see him in a play again.

We met James and the rest of the cast in the evening by the stage door. There was quite a bunch of people waiting so we didn't have much time to chat with him, however, he was really sweet and happy to take pictures with everyone. I really love James for this, we've met many less friendly actors, some were just really annoyed by the fans (I'm talking about you, Richard), so I really appreciate his behavior.

We went home really excited, overwhelmed with joy and new found love for theatre. I'm not saying that we didn't see any plays before - of course we did - but this was something completely different. It was the beginning of our new journey, it was the beginning of spending lots of money on tickets, hours of queuing, meeting more and more inspiring people. The spirit of West End is captivating and enchanting and it makes you want to see more, explore more of what it has to offer. 

26. 10. 2014


Hey, I’m Maki and guess what, I like theatre. No, I love it. Let’s put it this way, it kind of took over my life. I moved to London 2 years ago, I’m in my third year of uni, what a great time to start blogging! Not that I haven’t got enough writing to do as it is… However, the theatre world is so exciting, it’s about time to share it like this. There are few (a lot) other hobbies that can appear here over time, like lipsticks. They are great, you know and wearing them to the theatre makes them even better.

By the way, it’s true. We actually met Lee Pace.

Hello, I'm Suzi, the other half of T&L. I live in Prague and study nuclear physics. I know, this isn't probably a typical profile of a regular West End theatre goer. Not only because there's not much maths involved in acting but also the distance can be quite a pain in the ass. Nevertheless, the traveling is always worth it. I love the world of West End and all it has to offer: amazing productions, great talents and meeting your favourite actors, queuing at 5AM in the cold to get the plebs tickets...
Now, after one and half years we decided to start sharing our experiences. Because, you know, theatre is not just entertainment, it is art.